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Ashley is a New Yorker and self-proclaimed foodaholic. While all her friends went through high school exclusively watching shows like Gossip Girl and the OC, she spent her nights with Top Chef and Masterchef.


She is always looking for new recipes (mostly sweets to try out).  She can’t resist a good candy bar and usually buys at least one snack food a day, be it a Hershey’s bar (dark chocolate, please!), Ring Dings, or Froyo (her kryptonite). So, when looking for ways to experience NYC, she's learned the best way is through food (and drinks, of course).


As a native New Yorker, she takes advantage of the fact that we have a ton of bests when it comes to food, fashion, concerts, and everything in between. Best bagels. We’ve got em. Best black and white cookies. We’ve got em. Best Olive Gardens? Well…. maybe we don’t have those. But she pledges to do her best to find the bests of every type of food and snack, both homemade and in stores, and share them with you—even in these trying times, so you can share in her joy and fun, (and weight gain).




For collaborations or story ideas, feel free to reach out at:

Asteinberg318 {at} gmail {dot} com

or fill out the form below to get in touch!

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