Last week's episode was full of fun and adorable date action at the start and quickly divulged to a mimic of Matt James' drama-filled episodes towards the end, beginning with a group date that involved some steamy stage-time, moving to a one-on-one date with Greg and ending with a mud wrestling competition that quickly brought some soap opera theatrics.
They started the episode in a slightly new format, basically having an AFTR after the first rose ceremony to run down the status before jumping into roll call for the first date. Does anyone else think they could just say Quartney's name instead of "Quartney with a Q"?
They walk into the "greatest lover of all time" date and someone notes there is a brassiere on the floor—he actually used the word brassiere like he's straight out of a 20's department store. It also takes all of 2 minutes for us to see the slow crumbling of virgin Mike, who I really feel for. Tell a producer anything and they will find a way to torture you with it. The producers have our host boldly proclaim that they've somehow whittled these men down to the point where one of them is Greatest Lover of All Time, exclusively here to be on Katie's season of The Bachelorette, and they use the word sex-positive way too much, but the date itself was fun and upbeat (for the most part).
Catboy Connor scored some points for his song—of which he posted the extended cut on his Instagram. Jeff playing on the box from night one was hilarious, as was Tre's puppet show. And Karl showed us all a preview of the crazy to come.
Greg's one-on-one was next and while the guys leaned over the fence to watch them leave, the fence breaks. This was a great moment, but I'm honestly surprised they didn't save it for the bloopers, or get berated by the hotel for posting that it could not be as glamorous as one might expect.
They arrive at an abandoned field by a questionable river and ABC wants us to believe that nothing says romance like smelly fish and pooping in a bucket. In all seriousness though, they do end up sharing a lot because of the lack of distractions and the conversation it leads to about their dad's is heartbreaking. They didn't have a campfire at the end but there seemed to be literal and metaphorical fireworks.
The next scene cuts to Kaitlyn and Tayshia who are enjoying their new role way too much and forcing the group-daters out of bed with no time to change, leaving them half naked while the girls all go sit under a nice wool blanket.
After the wrestling we watch drama unfold as Katie sends Cody home because she is told she can't trust him and his response was lackluster at best and Accent Andrew wins some points for coming to check on her. Their conversation actually made me like him more than I did night one. But when Karl jumps in and starts talking out of his ass it made me think he's just planning to use the show's b-roll as his audition tape for MTV's Jackass, especially after he left Katie crying so he could go stir the pot with the guys too.

This week's episode has us hopeful for less drama and more fun, but the press release doesn't give much away. They do note, however, that Nick Viall will be hosting what seems like a share circle, and Katie "literally falls head over heels" on her one-on-one which makes me think this is when we see the scene from the promo play out in which they flip a four-wheeler. Is it just me or does it seem to be a theme these past few seasons?

In the vein of a literal flip, I decided to make an upside-down cake. This recipe was super easy and great for summer too (especially if you do what I did and sub half the blueberries for raspberries! It's a quick two-part process, making the brown butter fruit "bottom" and then the batter to top it. After you bake, simply turn it over and serve warm.
The combination of flavors, especially if you're a berry lover, is wildly addictive. You're gonna flip over it (but in a fun way, not the dangerous four-wheeling type of way).