Was it just me, or was last weekend's 'Women Tell All' incredibly lackluster. Since they all aired their dirty laundry throughout the season already, it just felt repetitive to bring up all the fights we were already tired of listening to the first time.
If I have to listen to one more argument between two mean girls who don't know they're mean girls I'm going to have to mute my TV. This has been a compilation of everything we've already been through and it's just dull now. The only surprising part was the slight apology from Victoria—and that Katie somehow got blamed for all the house issues and toxicity... on second hand, that one's not very surprising.
They transitioned from cat fights to a reel of group dates we didn't get to see very quickly and I definitely appreciated that. I know I've complained about them not showing some group dates this season, but tbh I could have gone my entire life not seeing the "what's in this box?" bug date. Seriously, when did Beetlejuice become a Bachelor producer?
But I did wonder, why they cut out this other stuff? True it was more like fraternity hazing process than process to find love, but I guess everyone's journey is different. The pancake and beer date actually seemed really fun (plus who doesn't love more Ben Higgins on screen?), and the hide-and-seek game, if nothing else, mimicked their acting like toddlers most of the seasons, but in a way that was more entertaining.
Skipping over a few hot seats—because, holy heck, how many did we need?—Serena P gets called up and she literally makes a face like she'd rather be anywhere else, so much so that it made me think maybe her mother made her get dressed and show up to this. Also, when Matt showed up sporting that beard and everyone complimented it, THEY. WERE. LYING. And did anyone else cringe when he winked while talking about kissing with his eyes slightly open? Hey Matt, I went to an all-girls Yeshiva and even I could have told you that was wrong! I could go on all day, but I have some baking to do.
Fantasy Suites are typically where things can finally escalate in the Bachelor world, culminating in a night of pure heat. There's going to be much less hand-holding like he did with Michelle in front of her students and more...other stuff. So in honor of the turned-up-temperature on-screen, I'm breaking out the blowtorch and making a date night fave, creme brulee!

Creme brulee's heat comes, not only from it's fire-induced crunchy sugar coating, but the sweat and precision that is required to make it, and the resulting luxuriously smooth and creamy texture, if you get it right. This recipe for creme brulee, totally delivered on that front, and made it feel easy!

It can be scaled up or down via the calculator that is built in and only takes a few steps. Mix the yolks and sugar, heat the heavy cream, combine (slowly enough to not curdle the eggs), sift and bake the way you would a cheesecake. Honestly, the hardest part of the process was the 2 hour chill time before I could finally dig in.

I recommend serving with some Mexican Chocolate ice cream if you're looking for a kick of heat in the flavor as well. While not quite as tall as other desserts I've made, it definitely makes up for that in flavor and fun (cracking the sugary top is the best part). So join in on the excitement by making your own, bring on that fire and prepare for a—hopefully girl-drama-free—steamy new episode.