I had a feeling Katie would be a fun Bachelorette and her men seem to have the same up for anything energy too. If the promo is any indication, we're in for a pretty good season. So let's jump right in!
The episode starts with a montage of, as Jared Fried put it, "our awkward queen", being just as awkward as I'd expect I would be when someone directed me to do things I would never do IRL so they could get B-Roll footage. That moment when she is struggling with the bike on patches of grass is going to be my "describe yourself in one meme" go-to for the foreseeable future.
Kaitlyn Bristowe and Tayshia Adams stepped in the fill the shoes of our formidable ex-host and while we love to see the girl power, the scenes showing their commentary from the windows seemed very "Ashton Kutcher in Punk'd" to me as they giggled from afar.
Some of my favorite entrances: Ball Pit Tre. I love a good adult to kid moment and he brought it full circle in the best way possible. Drinking wine in a ball pit in the back of a pick-up truck was a baller move (pun 100% intended) and I stan. Weird hug guy (Gabriel) made things so uncomfortable that it was palpable in my apartment. And I can't forget James in the Giant Box. That guy was the most dedicated to his bit, but also had the most anticlimactic release from said box that it almost seemed... not worth it. Was that just me? I mean he had multiple interviews from in there. How freaking long did he sit in that box?
One thing I loved was that she kept trying to calm everyone down. She put on a British twang with Accent Andrew which was fun (although in real life—aka when men aren't literally competing to show how into you they are—that would probably be seen as more odd than endearing). And giving Greg the first impression rose to set his mind at ease was also super sweet.

And now onto episode two. It looks like, in addition to some ranch brawls and a bit of some other more NSFW fun, camping is a big feature of this upcoming episode and rather than go the obvious s'mores, I wanted to get creative. My family and I are mildly obsessed with the Lofthouse cookie they sell at places like Target and get them fairly often, so I used a copycat of those for the base of my cookie campout set-up, and man, was it a good choice.

Next up, you use the same recipe link to make the frosting, but dye it green. Once that is complete and the cookie have cooled, it's time to set up your campsite boys and girl scouts.
Add about 3 tootsie rolls or Hershey mini pieces to look like firewood, top with orange-dyed coconut shavings (take my advice and use a glove to add this because that food dye will get allll over your hands) and voila, a treat that is as delicious to eat as it was fun to make. It's super easy decoration-wise and very tasty to snack on while you watch—and I for one can't wait to see how the great outdoors treats our great and awkward Bachelorette.