Wow, we're already at hometowns...well, sort of. The cast is not even exactly at hometowns, but the Covid version where the hometown guests make a trip to the resort to meet Katie and recreate a typical day as it would happen in the remaining contestants' hometowns—because they'd naturally be doing crazy things like this every day.
But first we have to talk Men Tell All and Michael's exit from the last episode. Tayshia and Katie start the episode with a chat and Tayshia continuously asks Katie if she's scared as if she planted something to terrify her or is about to reveal a twist.
The twist actually comes from Michael A whose son tugged on his and America's heart when he suggested "Maybe Daddy don't want to see me. This leads Michael to rethink his place on the show and self-eliminate. Controversial opinion, but I think he should have just stayed. Hometowns were around the corner and after that he had about one week left to get through before being home permanently, possibly with a wife. Now all the time he was away was kind of a waste. Also, if he becomes Bachelor there's no world in which he's not either a hypocrite or kind of making it hard for his son.
Then we immediately has a switch flipped by moving right on to the Tell All where Tayshia and Kaitlyn start by admitting how much they love it when men cry. The episode starts with a lot of back and forth yelling, especially at Karl who takes the brunt of the men's aggression since Thomas was seemingly too chicken to face everyone in person. Kaitlyn and Tayshia don't step in, instead letting the arguments reach Springer level. I almost expected the popcorn bucket from episode 1 to make a reappearance.
Also notably, I heard more from Tre in the Men Tell All than I did the entire season, which upset me given his fantastic entrance. Once a hero, always a hero. Speaking of heroes, Connor the Cat stepped up for Hunter, taking a cue from Katie's book of standing up to bad vibes before being rewarded with an R-rated makeout session with a woman who was planted in the audience. I guess this means Connor didn't find love on paradise...
I can't even describe how loudly I laughed when he went in for a second kiss and Andrew started yelling "you're a tiger!" These are the hype men/frat bros you need in your corner. Speaking of Andrew, his interview broke my still recovering heart all over again, especially when he said he'd gotten "accustomed to heartbreak." Andrew, you're killing me!
We are then interrupted by programming of Jason's proposal to Kaitlyn, somehow making part of Katie's Men Tell All about the host, which was odd and kind of off-putting considering it was featured in front of all the men who don't end the show with an engagement. Kind of rubbing it in there, eh ABC?
Then Katie comes out and the only missing person among a list of non-attendees (Mike P, John, Christian...) who is mentioned is Thomas who gets all of five minutes of phoned in apology time, literally. Maybe that's why Katie rolls her eyes seconds after they hang up.
Other things we learned... Michael A admits to being the first to fail the WoWo challenge and I can't wait until his son is old enough to watch this.

But this week, we turn our attention to the things that feel like home to the men. And what's more homey than a simple chocolate chip cookie? I grew up eating party breakfast's including chips and Entenmann's cookies (don't worry, we had some cheese for healthy balance too)—my mom was a cool mom—so I had to recreate my favorite cookie for this week's Bach episode and this recipe did the trick.

I may have gone a little overboard on the amount, but if they're going to last me through a week's worth of party breakfast recreation on top of Bach viewing, there has to be plenty. Anyway, bake 'em, eat 'em all, no regrets (much like Katie says she ends her love story)!