Week one is in the books and Michelle now has a "great" group of guys to start her journey with, at least until they prove otherwise. So let's break down what happened.
After the montage on Michelle and her background which tells more about her in five minutes than her entire time on Matt James' season ever did, Tayshia and Kaitlyn start the episode by mimicking an old MTV show and searching through the guys stuff. Honestly, the guys should be thankful they didn't pull a Room Raiders and break out all the stops. If you watched the show, you know what I mean.
I get the producers checking their things for drugs and other dangerous items, but the hostesses seemed like they were having way too much fun rifling through the boxers of not-their-fiances. Also, did anyone else find it weird that they kept talking about how they can't wait until Michelle meets these guys as if they're parents who hand-picked the guys themselves?
Anyway, the limo entrances were a mix of uneventful and really wacky. Some standouts include future bach Clayton for daring that ruler line while Michelle's students are all definitely watching (side note: does anyone else think he reminds you of Colton?), Chris for every word that came out of his mouth, and Rick, the bodiless head on a silver platter who was both terrifying and clever—and made Kaitlyn and Tayshia scream so loudly it drowned out Michelle's reaction. But the winner turned out to be the one person steeped in controversy, Ryan, for bringing an ice cream truck, for obvious reasons.
And as an added observation, throughout the whole intro montage I don't think I've ever seen a Bachelor or Bachelorette more together than Michelle. She literally seems unflappable, even when someone who she was ghosted by shows up.
While Michelle is chatting with the guys, Ryan of course, becomes a standout right before Kaitlyn and Tayshia, who have known about this since before entrances began and had ample time to bring it to Michelle's attention, finally come to her about his "cheatsheet". It probably would have been a bit more surprising had they revealed some of the more unsavory details. As of now it just seems he was being strategic, which was bad but not heartbreaking. Also, you have to wonder what Ryan's game plan was since they were bound to find it eventually.
That was about the most excitement of the night, but this week, we get actual dates. And among some of the fun this week is a visit from WNBA stars Dearica Hamby and Diamond DeShields to help with a group date with the men. In honor of the game of basketball, I decided to go savory this week and I highly recommend you play along.

These Basketball Calzones can be dressed up or dressed down, but for those without the means to fancy them up, I've down-played them a bit. Starting with a simple pizza crust from scratch, I copied Sally's Baking Addiction's basic pizza dough recipe, but you can just as easily buy some premade dough from your local grocery store to save a step. From there, copy the steps in She Knows recipe as far as you'd like, filling the dough with ingredients (I included sauce and mozzarella cheese), then adding to a silicone mold to create a circular basketball shape and baking for about 15-20 minutes.

I left it at that, but for those who want to basketball these some more, an edible marker and food dye will help take these to the next level. Either way, once these are done, they are sure to be a slam dunk! Let's see if Michelle's date gets this saucy.