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Baking for the Bach: Spill It

Writer: Ashley SteinbergAshley Steinberg

Can you believe we've somehow made it to the Men Tell All...already? I swear the McDonald's dessert was literally a day ago!

Anywhoo, let's check in with how we got here. At the start of last week's episode, the guys were all having minor panic attacks over who would be getting the last one-on-one dates before "hometowns". All of them except seemingly Greg who doesn't expect it, so naturally after Justin hunts down the date card which is apparently a scavenger hunt activity now, Greg gets the first one.

Greg and Katie continue their eerie matching clothes thing and Katie tells Greg he's basically getting an early visit to Katie's hometown of Seattle and his first response is excitement over Seattle Dogs, which I had to look up and is apparently a hot dog sometimes served on a bagel as a bun and always served with cream cheese. Why that is exciting and not repulsing I'll never guess.

The date involves Pike Place market recreations like fish tossing (which I think another couple may have done in a past season) along with near destruction of some of the set. I could watch a whole episode of Greg's shenanigans with this fake fish—dropping it, getting slapped in the face with it, nearly breaking the resort with it... but then we'd miss Katie's hilarious and spot on reaction to having to eat an oyster and their pickup football game on the most desolate and depressing football field ever created and who wants that?

The date is broken up by Michael A (and his casual mimosa) facetiming with his son, which I'm glad to see they let him do, while also realizing the manipulation of editing it in to pull at everyone's heart strings. But ultimately, we have to jump back to Greg and Katie who do genuinely seem to be smitten with each other and get a romantic fire alarm sprinkler rain to kiss good night in.

The next group date group is revealed and Brendan confronts Katie about Mike P getting the other one-on-one instead of him. Before she opens the door he makes sure to slather on his best chapstick, you know, in case things go well, and by the end of their talk interspersed with cocky ITM footage, you're kind of okay with her sending him home, although his goodbye with his buddy Blake is a cute moment—especially if you know the backstory of their friendship a bit (apparently Blake was the one who convinced him to sign up for the show to begin with).

For the group date, the guys are brought to a deserted art show and after an awkward moment with the artist are told they have to make something themselves. Michael A makes a clay sculpture of what he describes as Katie's butt and the other guys describes as "Yikes". I was going to say I was glad it wasn't Blake given his last foray into clay, but then he whips out a picture so naughtay they had to black out the whole thing.

At the cocktail party, Katie is blinged out in a dress from Barbie's closet. Justin redeems himself with a gorgeous butterfly painting (when did he had the time to make that?!), and Michael A and Katie have a conversation about motherhood in which Katie supposedly settled all his fears by talking juice boxes and condiments.

Then we get Mike A's one-on-one. They head into the woods with Katie in a sweatshirt (and if we know anything about those, things already aren't boding well for our dear friend). A cuddling coach named Cuddle Queen Jean pops out of the bushes welcoming them to her home like she's been living in the trees among the trolls from Frozen. They have a cuddling session where she's teaches them new cuddling moves designed to bring them closer, but that literally no sane person would ever begin to try if they had a choice. Kind of like when an animal sits all pretzeled up and you wonder how in the world it's comfortable.

They then show footage of poor Mike repeatedly mentioning how much Katie is like his mom, before telling it to Katie herself while in a close embrace and is this the equivalent of Matt rubbing his mom's legs? When it finally comes to the "break-up", I'm left curious how he didn't see it coming when they made him sit on the only bench in the middle of the woods without any food or drink or romantic setup for them to enjoy together.

At the rose ceremony, Katie sends Andrew home and all but falls apart. And if that weren't enough, he comes back for part two the next day and, after the longest chase scene I have ever seen in my life, my heart shattered into pieces. Seriously, make this man the next Bachelor.

And while we're talking about potential big reveals, let's talk tell-all. The men tell all episode is this week and I'm very excited for the tea to be spilled. But in line with baking to match each episode, I'm spilling something too...sprinkles.

This week's baking for the Bach involves a fan favorite, funfetti cakes, but with a twist. I used Chelsweets' recipe for funfetti cupcakes since she is a tried and true favorite of mine. In fact, her confetti cake was the first I ever made and kind of inspired these cupcakes which not only are funfetti flavored, but come with a surprise confetti filling.

Basically, just follow her recipe (I left out the almond as I'm not a huge fan of the extract flavor outside of amaretto sours), then let the cupcakes cool before scooping out some cupcake to fill with sprinkles instead (make sure to put some cupcake top back over the sprinkles so the frosting doesn't stick to them), and topping with frosting. Let the contents spill out when you cut/bite into them, and it will be nearly as fun (albeit a different kind of fun) as the men spilling the house's dirty lil secrets, but ironically will likely have less clean up. Who doesn't love edible pinatas?



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